
Common Terminology Concerning Older Adult Resources

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Hospice Care/Medicare Hospice care is designed for terminally ill persons and is covered by Medicare Part A. Hospice programs will care for patients in a hospice facility or whenever possible in their homes and emphasize relieving pain and managing symptoms rather than undertaking curative procedures. An individual may elect to receive hospice care rather than regular Medicare benefits for the management of his/her illness.

Power of Attorney for Property: This is a document in which you select someone, and at least one back-up person, to handle your business and legal affairs for you if you are unable to manage on your own. A property drafted Power of Attorney should include the authority to do long-term care planning.

Power of Attorney for Health Care: A document in which you select someone, and a least one back-up person, to handle your health care decision-making if you are unable to make those decisions for yourself.

For more information about these terms and other issues regarding older adults, contact a law firm that concentrates in elder law.

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