
Common Terminology Concerning Older Adult Resources

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Adult Day Care: Adults with mental or physical limitations can spend the day in a supervised environment that offers recreation, meals and other services. Having a safe place for the ailing person to go can provide the care giving family member with much needed respite.
Transportation to and from the site is usually provided.

Geriatric Care Manager: This professional, often a social worker, registered nurse or psychologist, coordinates the services that help people remain in their homes for as long as possible. They are equipped to assess the needs of the elderly; arrange for services; review legal, financial and medical issues to avoid problems and unnecessary expenses; coordinate the various government, private and community services available; offer counseling; and act as liaison for distant families.

Reverse Mortgage: This allows senior citizens who are house rich and cash poor to obtain a loan based on the equity in their home. They retain title to their home as long as they continue to live there and receive nontaxable income. With the terms of most mortgages, the loan, interest and other costs do not have to be paid back until the owner vacates the property through a move or death. Almost all reverse mortgages provide a guarantee of lifetime tenancy. Most reverse mortgages are a nonrecourse loan that means the lender can look only to the value of the home for repayment.

For more information about these terms and other issues regarding older adults, contact a law firm that concentrates in elder law.

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