
Illinois Asset Protection Planning

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Asset protection for a business can be straight forward and a relatively simple matter to implement. At the same time, it can protect a large chunk of the assets of a business.

For example, in the case of a company that runs a manufacturing business, the usual business structure is for the manufacturing company to be organized as a corporation. That is fine as far as it goes.

But if a second corporation were to be formed as a trucking corporation, all of the assets the manufacturing corporation has in the fleet of fifty trucks could be transferred to the trucking corporation. As long as this trucking corporation is fully capitalized and fully insured, the effect of creating the trucking corporation would be to remove all of the other assets of the manufacturing corporation from exposure to a judgment regarding an accident involving one of the fifty trucks in the shipping fleet.

This protection could be taken a step further by creating a third corporation which leases the trucks. With a fully capitalized and fully insured leasing corporation in existence, the capital tied up in the fifty trucks owned by the trucking corporation could be protected from judgment in the event that a truck driver employed by the leasing corporation were involved in an accident.

Thus, layers upon layers of protection can be added to accommodate whatever the needs of the business are. The only limitation is the bookkeeping involved with keeping the corporations’ assets separate and keeping the corporations fully insured. As long as the owner of the business is able to keep up with the bookkeeping aspects of the arrangements, the protection afforded by this type of asset protection planning is substantial and completely within what the law allows.

For additional information about asset protection planning contact the law firm of Wilson and Wilson.

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