
Illinois Law and Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship

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Joint tenancy with rights of survivorship is a type of ownership by two or more individuals, called joint tenants, who share equal ownership of the property and have the equal right to keep or get rid of the property. When one individual dies, the surviving individuals receive ownership of the property by operation of law. Probate does not need to be opened to transfer title to the surviving joint owners.

When only one owner remains, probate will need to be opened with the Court upon his death unless the surviving owner creates a new joint tenancy with another individual or titles the property in a trust.

If a joint tenant becomes incapacitated, the property cannot be sold unless the joint tenant has a Power of Attorney for Property in place or a guardianship is opened with the Court giving the guardian capacity to transfer title to the property.

Contact an estate planning law firm for further information.

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