Withdrawals are usually tax-free when one inherits a Roth IRA, but minimum withdrawals are required each year using the same rules as for any inherited IRA.
A non-spouse beneficiary should have the account retitled as an inherited Roth IRA using this format: John Doe, Deceased (date of death) Roth IRA F/B/O (for the benefit of) John Doe, Jr., Beneficiary.
Roth IRA owners are not subject to required withdrawals during their lifetimes; however, their beneficiaries are subject to required withdrawals beginning the year after the owner’s death. The IRS publication 590 provides the amount to take out each year based on the beneficiary’s life expectancy. A 50% penalty is imposed for not taking a distibution from an inherited IRA.
For multiple beneficiaries, it is preferable to split the original account into separate inherited accounts for each beneficiary before taking the original owner’s distribution for the year he died, if it was not already withdrawn before the death. This way each heir can take distributions using his own life expectancy – a big advantage if the beneficiaries range widely in age.
Contact an estate planning law firm for further information.