
What Is Hospice Care at Home? (Part 2)

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Last week I began writing about what hospice care is, who can benefit from it, and when this type of care is recommended. Today I will continue on this topic, including who makes up a hospice care team, who pays for hospice home care, and determining if in-home hospice is right for you.

Who Makes Up a Hospice Care Team?

A number of different types of people can make up a hospice team, including various professionals and volunteers who are involved in end-of-life care. A hospice care team may include:

·        Doctors

·        Nurses

·        Social workers

·        Spiritual advisors

·        Trained volunteers


Who Pays for Hospice Home Care?

These services, like other health care options, can easily become expensive. There are different ways the cost may be covered, including the following:

Government Programs

Those who qualify for government assistance may have the option of enrolling in plans that are specifically designed to cover the cost of hospice care.

Seniors who have Medicare Part A coverage may qualify for a Medicare hospice care benefit which allocates money to pay for hospice care at home.

Depending upon which state you live in, hospice care may also be covered for terminally ill patients who are on Medicaid.

Also, the Department of Veterans Affairs may provide coverage for these care benefits to seniors who have served our country.

Private Insurance

Depending on your insurance plan, your policy may cover all or part of your hospice care needs. You can check the terms of your insurance policy to determine what is covered for you.

Options for Uninsured Patients

You may still have coverage options even if you are uninsured. Some charitable organizations work with elderly and disabled individuals who need assistance paying for hospice care services. Also, hospice care organizations often have internal departments that work with patients who qualify for hospice care but are in need or do not have health insurance.


Is In-Home Hospice Right For You?

The choices around hospice care are an important part of your end-of-life care plan. It’s best to find as much information as you can as you decide if this type of care is right for you. You can find more information on Medicare’s hospice compare website or CaringInfo.org.

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